Board Members

Chairperson of the Committee

  • Tom Ku, Acting CIO, Office of Enterprise Technology Services


  • Keith Regan, Comptroller, Department of Accounting and General Services
  • Tom Ku, Acting CIO, Office of Enterprise Technology Services
  • Bonnie Kahakui, Administrator, State Procurement Office
  • Jennifer Brooks, Attorney, Office of Information Practices
  • Garret Murayama, IT Specialist, Department of Attorney General
  • Nadine Ando, Director, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
  • Lila Loos, IT Administrator, Department of Land and Natural Resources
  • Mai Nguyen Van, Acting Director of Information Technology and Systems, Judiciary
  • Stephen Courtney, Deputy Director, City & County of Honolulu
  • Robert Ewbank, Director, Department of Information Technology, County of Hawaii
  • David Duarte, Chief Technology Officer, County of Maui
  • Del Sherman, IT Specialist, County of Kauai
  • Senator Glenn Wakai, State Senator
  • Amy Perruso, State Representative